About Us​

Our Story
Of course we know that fossil energy will finish! Meanwhile we will face the consequences of the Changing Climate. We find our calling in solving for these problems. This is our way of getting a sound sleep at night.O! What a thrilling journey it is!

We started with Vaayu to do something for ourselves. Slowly and steadily we realised what worked for us would work for the world too. That gave us the confidence to get into Mission Mode.

To convert 200 tons of food waste per day into energy, over the next 5 years through active people participation.

Meet Team Vaayu!


Meet Priyadarshan Sahasrabuddhe. After graduating from IIT Bombay with a dual degree in Mech Engineering he received a Fellowship to work on problems of social relevance. His ideas of building a social enterprise are largely influenced by Drs Rani and Abhay Bang who run an initiative for youth called Nirman. While Vaayu initially began just as project to manage his own waste Priyadarshan had no idea that it would become his University of Sustainable Living.

Vaayu opened up the mystery of the living world and the play of life around the energy of the sun.

His constant endeavour is to ‘Be the change that you wish to see in the world’

Since 2019, LPG is off the list of fossil fuels he uses. At home, he cooks entirely on Vaayu. Yearly around 3 tons of food waste is converted to energy at his home.

He considers this as just the first step. Running a Cafe entirely on Vaayu, growing his own food, developing drainage free water management systems are the ideas he is working on currently.

Music has been his lifelong passion. And he’s working on how he can leverage the power of music in his mission. If you happen to meet him, he will readily sing for you the latest song that has captured his imagination.


Meet Pradip Devkate, the ‘practicing engineer’ in the Vaayu team, who has adventure and inquisitiveness written all over him. Interested in renewable energy and water conservation, product development is what excites him along with meeting people from all walks of life.

A die-hard travel-buff at heart, with each Vaayu installation, he seeks to take the message of Vaayu to the remotest corners of the world to solve the universal problem of waste.


Meet Sagar Mane. Sincere and silent yet a passionate change maker.

After graduating in Mechanical Engineering, he worked for a year. With a desire to contribute towards creating social impact he left his job to work on science education of kids in rural parts of Yavatmal District.

A believer that personal growth and social impact go hand in hand. With Vaayu he has found his platform to create social impact and realise his full potential.


Meet Gautam Gupta, the youngest core team member, having a Masters in Renewable Energy Engineering and Management from TERI, came to Pune from Delhi in pursuit of a waste management solution that he wondered about as a student.

He has been consistently bringing improvements in design of Vaayu to make this wonderful solution more wonderful! With a flair for writing poetry, learning and building up new things, he has been leading by example, as he practices a minimalistic life while strongly believing that a decentralized approach is the best way to solve any problem.


Entrepreneurship Awards -Chakraakaar Lifestyle Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is awarded with ‘Green Enterprise’ award on 28th ENTREPRENEUR’s DAY by ‘Entrepreneurs’ International’, a charitable trust that promotes entrepreneurship.

Paryavaran Mitra Awards – Poornam Ecovision’ a Pune based social enterprise, working for community & environment has awarded the ‘Paryavaran Mitra’ award to the founder Priyadarshan Sahasrabuddhe. The award recognized his contribution towards ‘Sustainable Lifestyles’ by developing ‘Vaayu’; and Vaayu’s first significant milestone of managing 1 ton of waste on a daily basis, creating a sustained source of renewable energy.